Red Door High School program
Red Door continues to thrive with about 10-12 kids attending on a regular basis. Kyler Harbison has officially been hired as the temporary leader for this group, as we continue to seek a permanent leader. If you know of any high school age kids that might be interested in participating, please reach out to Kyler. The group meets on Sunday evenings from 6-7:30 in the FPCD basement. We are always seeking volunteers to provide a dinner for this group. There is a sign-up sheet in Westminster Hall, or you can contact Kyler at 970 880-0506. They will be having a sleepover ski weekend at Purgatory on Feb 8/9.
Children’s Church during service
We were sad to lose Gracie Goldman as the leader of our Children’s Church program but understand her putting priority on her Senior year classes and her family. We will continue to provide Children’s Church and nursery services utilizing volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Lee Ann Harbison at 970 749-5548. We are actively searching for a permanent person to fill this role.