Habitat for Humanity Happenings

Dear Friends of Habitat of La Plata, We are excited to announce that under the guidance of construction supervisor, Steve List, we anticipate breaking ground around May 1st on Habitat La Plata’s next duplex build in Fox Farm Village in Bayfield. This build exemplifies a commitment to our mission of helping individuals and families attain

POPs Camping Trip – A Huge Success

A truly marvelous adventure in Chaco Canyon Cultural Park Camping Trip to Chaco Canyon On April 18, a group of 11 intrepid adventurers met up at our Group Campsite to start a new adventure for POPs. Most of us slept two nights at the group campsite and participated in various activities on Friday and Saturday

Master Sanctuary Key Missing

The key the cleaners and choir members use to access the sanctuary has gone missing. If you have it or know of its whereabouts, please return it to the correct mail slot across from the 1st floor elevator door. Thank you!

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